Surviscor Canadian Consumer Banking Experience Reviews - Canada's BEST and WORST Consumer Banking Customer Service Experiences

Ranking the Best Digital Banking Firms for Customer Service Experiences in Canada

Simplii Financial provides the Best Digital Banking Service Experience in Canada

The 2024 Service Level Experience Review provides a comprehensive analysis of 29 Canadian digital banking platforms, revealing significant disparities in service availability, quality and responsiveness across the industry. From industry leaders like Simplii Financial, with an impressive score of 80%, to underperformers like EQ Bank at 24%, the rankings highlight which firms are meeting perceived expectations and which are falling short. Modern customer service has evolved from branch visits and phones to include a variety of methods - email, online forms, live chat, virtual assistants, social media, and even booking in-person or virtual meetings. However, despite these advancements, many Canadian digital banking customers are still not receiving the level of service they expect and deserve.

The rankings in this review are the result of a rigorous evaluation process, using 126 distinct criteria spread across three key categories: Non-Customer Interactions, Customer Interactions, and Service Interactions. These categories provide a holistic view of service performance, from first impressions to ongoing customer support. By analyzing service availability and execution on both desktop and mobile platforms, the review ensures a fair assessment of each firm's digital service experience. This comprehensive approach helps identify leaders in service excellence while challenging underperformers to improve their offerings and meet the expectations of today's digitally empowered consumers.

With 18 years of expertise and over 115,000 financial service interactions analyzed, Surviscor's review highlights a persistent trend over the past half-decade: Canadian digital banking consumers are not being consistently served to the standards they deserve. Despite the growing availability of advanced digital interaction methods, many financial institutions continue to fall short in delivering the quality and responsiveness expected in today's fast-paced digital world.

Glenn LaCoste, President and CEO of Surviscor Group

Review Headlines

SIMPLII FINANCIAL: Best Service, Fastest Responses

Simplii Financial delivers the best digital service experience and the fastest average response times across Surviscor interactions.

CONEXUS CREDIT UNION: Top Credit Union Performer

Conexus Credit Union, a previous top-ranked winner, continues to excel as the best-performing credit union, securing a solid second place.

CIBC: Leading Among Big Banks

CIBC stands out among big banks by providing excellent service resources for both customers and non-customers.

EQ BANK: Lowest Service Ranking

EQ Bank ranked last out of 29 firms reviewed, offering the poorest overall service experience.

BLUESHORE FINANCIAL: Slowest Response Times

Blueshore Financial remains the slowest, taking over 103 hours to respond to non-customer inquiries in 2024.

2025 Service Experience Rankings

The Service Experience Review evaluates the various service interaction methods and their availability on both desktop and mobile platforms. It also analyzes responsiveness using mystery shopping data gathered through non-social, public-facing Contact Us channels provided by each Canadian digital banking firm. This data is collected through Surviscor's Service Monitoring and Benchmarking Program, which has been running since 2006.

This year's review assessed 29 Canadian digital banking platforms, including the big six banks, 11 credit unions, seven branchless banks, and five other institutions. Each platform was assessed using 126 criteria across three key experience categories: Non-Customer Interactions, Customer Interactions, and Service Interactions, further divided into eight sub-categories that distinguish between desktop and mobile-based interactions. The purpose? To help you identify which Canadian digital banking firms provide the best customer service while motivating underperforming firms to improve.

Service Experience RankDigital Banking FirmExperience ScoreLink to Company Review
1SIMPLII FINANCIAL80 %See Full Analysis
2CONEXUS CREDIT UNION76 %See Full Analysis
3DESJARDINS (Quebec-based Co-Operative)74 %See Full Analysis
5CIBC71 %See Full Analysis
7ALTERNA SAVINGS68 %See Full Analysis
8SERVUS CREDIT UNION66 %See Full Analysis
9VANCITY62 %See Full Analysis
10NATIONAL BANK OF CANADA61 %See Full Analysis
11BMO BANK OF MONTREAL57 %See Full Analysis
12TD CANADA TRUST56 %See Full Analysis
13ENVISION FINANCIAL53 %See Full Analysis
14SCOTIABANK52 %See Full Analysis
15TANGERINE51 %See Full Analysis
15RBC ROYAL BANK51 %See Full Analysis
17MOTIVE FINANCIAL50 %See Full Analysis
18MERIDIAN CREDIT UNION47 %See Full Analysis
20AFFINITY CREDIT UNION43 %See Full Analysis
21ALTERNA BANK40 %See Full Analysis
21BLUESHORE FINANCIAL40 %See Full Analysis
23MOTUSBANK39 %See Full Analysis
24LAURENTIAN BANK of CANADA37 %See Full Analysis
25MANULIFE BANK of CANADA36 %See Full Analysis
26ATB FINANCIAL28 %See Full Analysis
27ICICI BANK of CANADA27 %See Full Analysis
28PC FINANCIAL26 %See Full Analysis
29EQ BANK24 %See Full Analysis

It's evident that most firms are falling short of providing satisfactory service and should be held accountable by digital banking consumers. Remember, financial institutions rely on you - the consumer - for their profitability and success. This means you have every right to demand the highest standards in service and platform experiences. If your current or potential firm falls short, there are plenty of alternatives to consider.

Glenn LaCoste, President and CEO of Surviscor Group

Go to Lessons Learned

Go to The Bottom Line

Why Surviscor Reviews Are Different

Surviscor Experience Reviews are the largest and most unbiased evaluations in North America, offering uncompromised facts about real customer experiences and digital journeys. Unlike other review firms or individuals, whose rankings are often subjective or firm-sponsored, Surviscor bases its reviews on extensive factual data, not limited or biased sample sizes commonly found online.

Response Times and Standards

Surviscor utilizes four response standards to evaluate the average time it takes to address a general public-facing service interaction. These standards, first introduced in 2007, have been refined over the years to align with the evolving digital landscape. Below are the Surviscor Response Standards and non-standard results:

Response StandardDigital Banking FirmAverage Response TimeLink to Company Review
PLATINUM: < 6 hoursSimplii Financial0.33 hoursSee Full Analysis
Assiniboine Credit Union1.70 hoursSee Full Analysis
GOLD: 6-12 hoursConexus Credit Union7.12 hoursSee Full Analysis
Desjardins7.77 hoursSee Full Analysis
SILVER: 12-18 hoursMotive Financial13.52 hoursSee Full Analysis
Alterna Savings13.83 hoursSee Full Analysis
Coast Capital Savings16.03 hoursSee Full Analysis
Servus Credit Union17.92 hoursSee Full Analysis
BRONZE: 18-24 hoursSteinbach Credit Union23.53 hoursSee Full Analysis


Nine firms meet the Surviscor Response Standard of responding within 24 hours. The remaining 13 firms, which fail to respond within this timeframe, are grouped into five distinct - but unimpressive - response categories. Hopefully, your digital banking partner isn't part of this "exclusive club" with no real benefits.


Digital Banking FirmAverage Response TimeLink to Company Review
Vancity24.15 hoursSee Full Analysis
Envision Financial26.05 hoursSee Full Analysis
ICICI Bank of Canada27.60 hoursSee Full Analysis
Meridian Credit Union30.05 hoursSee Full Analysis


Digital Banking FirmAverage Response TimeLink to Company Review
motusbank50.08 hoursSee Full Analysis
Alterna Bank50.45 hoursSee Full Analysis
ATB Financial56.72 hoursSee Full Analysis
EQ Bank60.28 hoursSee Full Analysis
Laurentian Bank of Canada65.25 hoursSee Full Analysis
National Bank of Canada65.68 hoursSee Full Analysis
Manulife Bank of Canada68.20 hoursSee Full Analysis


Digital Banking FirmAverage Response TimeLink to Company Review
Affinity Credit Union78.15 hoursSee Full Analysis


Digital Banking FirmAverage Response TimeLink to Company Review
Blueshore Financial103.27 hoursSee Full Analysis

The NO e-Contact Club

Some firms have opted to stop communicating with potential customers through email or public-site forms. Instead, they redirect inquiries to social media, virtual assistants, phone lines, or in-branch visits.

Digital Banking FirmLink to Company Review
BMO Bank of MontrealSee Full Analysis
CIBCSee Full Analysis
PC FinancialSee Full Analysis
RBC Royal BankSee Full Analysis
ScotiabankSee Full Analysis
TangerineSee Full Analysis
TD Canada TrustSee Full Analysis

The irony of the shift in customer service lies in the fact that email is often the primary contact method required when opening an account - and frequently becomes the customer's primary point of contact. Essentially, their message is clear: you can use email after becoming a customer, but until then, you'll have to rely on social media, frustrating virtual assistants, or endure long hold times on the phone.

Glenn LaCoste, President and CEO of Surviscor Group

Key Service Responsiveness Findings

Surviscor's Service Responsiveness data offers valuable insights, based on over 3,100 individual service interactions in 2024. Here are some key highlights:

  • Industry Improvement: The average response time across the industry improved by 21% in 2024, now averaging 39 hours.
  • Simplii Financial: Responds in under 1 hour on average.
  • Assiniboine Credit Union: Responds in under 2 hours on average.
  • Conexus Credit Union: Responds in 7 hours on average.
  • Motive Financial: Reduced response time by 68 hours (84%) to an average of 13.52 hours.
  • Alterna Savings: Improved by 55 hours (80%) to an average of 13.83 hours.
  • Coast Capital Savings: improved by 59 hours (79%) to an average of 16.03 hours.
  • Wednesdays are the most responsive day of the week for service inquiries.

  • Occasional poor results are understandable and can be forgiven. What cannot be overlooked is the ongoing ignorance and lack of respect shown through repeated poor service interactions and slow responsiveness - especially when so few firms take steps to improve and change the narrative.

    Glenn LaCoste, President and CEO of Surviscor Group

  • Big Banks: Many make it difficult for non-customers to connect electronically without relying on social media.
  • Scotiabank:Markets controversial X (formerly Twitter) as a primary communication platform.
  • Blueshore Financial: Takes an average of 103 hours to respond to non-customers.
  • Affinity Credit Union: Responds to non-customer inquiries in 78 hours on average.
  • EQ Bank: Has an average response time of 60 hours for non-customers.
  • National Bank of Canada: Its average response time worsened by 26 hours (66%), now averaging 65.68 hours.
  • Worst Day for Inquiries: Fridays are the least responsive day of the week for service inquiries.

Lessons Learned

Initial Impressions Matter

Surviscor evaluates service interactions for over 45 Canadian financial services firms and has reviewed more than 110,000 interactions over the past 15 years. Each firm is given the opportunity to respond to and address the findings, with the goal of improving their service levels. While some firms embrace the feedback, others show little interest. Often, the experience provided to non-customers serves as a strong indicator of the quality of service customers can expect in the future.

What is Customer Service Today?

Customer service today requires a different approach to measurement than in the past. Before the digital era, service quality was assessed through email, face-to-face interactions, and phone support. Now, effective measurement includes additional channels like online forms, live chat, virtual assistants, and social media interactions. It also encompasses the convenience of booking in-person or virtual meetings through digital platforms.

Service Accountability vs. Cross-Selling

One reason for the declining quality of service and accountability may be that digital banking firms prioritize gaining a larger share of the customer's wallet over providing stellar service. Digital interactions, while convenient, are not the most effective way for these firms to cross-sell products. Instead, many service methods act as filters, ultimately pushing customers to call or visit a branch, where cross-selling opportunities are easier to implement.

Do We Really Get to Choose How We Are Serviced?

The reality is that digital banking customers are often served based on the firm's preferences, not their own. Why are platforms like Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) treated as reliable communication tools? And why are we forced to interact with AI-driven virtual agents that merely regurgitate expanded FAQ solutions?

Digital Banking Consumers Are Not Being Serviced Properly

Yes, this is a bold statement - but it holds true. The industry offers various customer service interaction methods, from traditional options to newer technologies like social media and appointment booking tools. However, a closer look at their availability across desktop and mobile platforms reveals inconsistencies. This suggests that even the firms themselves aren't fully committed to the methods they provide.

Secure Interaction Methods Are Still Underwhelming

Financial institutions often emphasize the risks of non-secure interactions, suggesting that secure, customer-only areas offer better support. However, research shows otherwise. Many customer service options behind secure logins are outdated, poorly designed, and fail to provide near-instant messaging. Response times in these areas are often slower than expected, undermining their promises of better service.

Firms Shouldn't Offer Methods They Don't Support

We are critical of firms that fail to offer non-social-based service options to customers. However, just as concerning are firms that offer service methods they neglect, with response times stretching to days instead of minutes or hours. With the industry average response time nearing 40 hours, it's clear many firms are taking digital banking customers for granted. This reflects poorly on their internal culture and priorities.

Neo/Virtual Banks Are Missing the Mark

Another year, the same story. Neo banks, which operate without branches, should excel in providing a comprehensive range of digital interaction methods with timely responses. However, they consistently fall short. For example, EQ BANK, averages a 60 hour response time and PC FINANCIAL only offers full customer service methods to its credit card customers. Other neo banks, often operating under larger banking umbrellas, are presented as budget options with lower fees and higher rates. The premise of being branchless should mean a strong focus on digital service, but these banks fail to deliver adequate responsiveness, service options, and availability to both prospective and existing customers.

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The Bottom Line

Canada's digital banking landscape is packed with competition among Big Banks, Credit Unions, and Neo/Branchless banks, all claiming to be dedicated to service. A firm culture of service accountability typically results in good customer service for consumers because anything less than great is unacceptable and could affect both current and prospective customers and overall share of wallet. The problem today is that the bar has lowered and the former acceptance of great has now been replace by a level of adequate.

The Surviscor DISCLAIMER

At Surviscor, we take pride in recognizing - and calling out - firms for both exceptional and poor digital banking experiences. Canadians work hard for their money, and it's essential to have a financial partner that meets the highest standards of customer experience and cost-effectiveness. Consumers hold the power, not the banks. From posted rates to special promotions aimed at new customers, there's always an option to explore. Don't settle - #FindTheRightFirm

Explore other Surviscor Rankings

This review is only one of many Surviscor yearly digital experience reviews for Online Self-Directed Brokerage and Consumer Banking firms. Take a look at your current firms, firms you always thought about using, and maybe you'll even find a new firm to consider.